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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1) i WAS a super duper quiet girll (hard to believe siaa).

2) seriously, i'm not hating anyone at all rite now.. dosloke maybe?

3) i've been patient for 9 years now.. XP

4) i AM a computer addict.. (cos i'm bored..)

5) (somehow...) i got a cute guy to smile at me when i was with u?

6) i do not study unless i really want to...

7) for some reason, i just like to write peoms. 

8) when i call myself fat, there's always ONE person scolding me back.. lol

9) i realise i got different skin tones.. =.=

10) i'm not physically fit!!!

11) i'm not mentally strong 

12) i believe that people CAN like 2 persons at one time...

13) making me go green eyes on you is super easy! trust me!

14) i like CHOCOLATES!

15) i dont try to make ppl like me or befriend me... i just be myself>> a crazy, random girl!

16) i dont 'not friend' friends easily. fight, maybe? but never let go easily.

17) i know there are people who put a fake face for me.

18) wants to try and bathe in chocolates.. yumm!

19) i'll try to become a doctor! *eventhough its hard for me*

20) being in JC would be a dream for my parents, but not for me.

21) believe it or not, since sec 1, i've only REALLY liked 2 guys!

22) i'd rather listen than talk.

23) meeting new people isn't hard to me.. being a friend in their eyes is harder..

24) i love flowers!!! haha! white rose... OMGOSH!! I LIKEEE! haha

25) is sad cos this question doesn't have a 26 in it....

unwritten! atTuesday, September 29, 2009

 you know,
 fairytales dont exist,
 but it doesn't mean
 you're not in my movie of dreams...

unwritten! atTuesday, September 29, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009


go here to view
hari raya picts..
*so far thats all ah.. *

unwritten! atSaturday, September 26, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009
 *aka, amira!*

ok hari raya is full of yumms! haha!
its been only like 2 days
and i've tasted ALOT of new stuffs...

first day,
woke up early just to go out early...
took long time just to go one house..
come on,
first house was at BOONLAY!

had fun watching a touching story..
*though its been played before..*
went to grandparents house after that.
*mother side*
ok lah..
i love love love hadi!!
haha! took photos with him..
he cute lah!
give me funny/retarded faces!

talked alot with him.
then his 2 twin sisters keep fighting..
you know why??
cos both want me carry them.. =.=!!!
their brother's beside me they dont want!!!
haha! then i just take Haiza..
Huda face changed sia after that.. LOL!
hakim was being retarded..
he went into the room
just to play yoyo!
watever lahhhhh!

took SOME picts with phone..
so need to wait till the rest are uploaded and sent to me...
i like fun shot in taxi!
our faces very hilarious! haha!

went to 2 more houses and then went back home..
come home,
stayed awake till like 1 am sey!
nothing to do.. haha!


ok thats all for first day i guess...
you know,
something funy happened...
i msg SOMEONE wishing selamat hari raya...
then he ask, "you are..?"
i say amira and he called me just to ask,
"which amira??"
then he msg,
"why u msg me? u msg wrong person ah?"
then i went =.=""""""" at him.. LOL!
*eventhough first time msging this person*
we chat till nite.. haha!
it was after midnite lah..
who cares?
he just reached home at 11.30pm++++

and also spent 'special quality time'
together with family...
i love love love saturday.. so fun.. haha
ok will update on today as soon as i'm done with..


 they know all about you...
 inside & outside...
 good &  bad...

 they'll be beside you..
 through thick and thin...
 whether you're suffering or enjoying....

 *when troubles are faced...*
 they are patient to each other..
 they thrust each other...
 they listen to each other...

 *they go through alot...*
 quarrel with each other...
 make fun of each other...
 & share their laughter...

 *where are they kept?...*
 no matter what...
 no matter where...
 bestfriends will always be in one place...
 your heart...
 whether they say they are or not your bestfriend...

 friends come and go...
 but true friends will always be there...
 say hello and goodbye...
 just end with an i missed you...

 i might not be your bestfriend...
 whoever you are..
 but note this...
 if i chose you as MY bestfriend...
 then trust me...
 you WILL always be...

the story you wrote to me...
words came to life...
you made me smile when times are down...
dont tink of me anymore ok?
cos i know,...
i'll just make you feel low...

unwritten! atMonday, September 21, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009
i just cant be happy anymore can i?

i'd rather not celebrate my birthday at all now..
wats the use of it
when i just causes me to lose 2 bestfriends? or even 3?
why must every happy thing have a bad?

it wasn't my fault..
the npcc ppl and sjab ppl all came cos they wanted to eat there..
i didn't even know u guys wanted to celebrate..
no1 told me anything..
if u had told me u guys wanted to celebrate,
u know i would have joined u instead?

wat do u want me to do?
shout to the whole wide world,
i didn't force anyone to know my birthday ok?!
i didn't force them to wish me!
i didn't force them to give me presents!!
its not my fault they remembered MY birthday!
its not my fault they nvr remembered yours and stuff...

dont wanna talk anymore...
i cant bear to lose friends..
wat more best friends like you 3?

unwritten! atFriday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009
life's sweeter than sugar...
i just wish you were here...

damn tired lah! haha!
*went jln jln with my prince!*

maths was a boreeee
geog was kind of fun!
SOME FREAKS told mr lim its gonna be my birthday..
everyone know, nvm..
i hate it cos when they were singing the birthday song
for me and hazel,
they were so DEAD and werent a single bit SINCERE!
might as well they dont sing.. LOL

recess was.. erm...
wastse of time? haha!
i totaly got brain washed....
couldn't remember a thing for the test..
sad lahh!

MT was a waste of time too!
the teacher very fun lah actually..
plus radzi was KIND OF quiet...?
so i owe cikgu 3 hws i tink! haha!

lunch was spent rushing through chem..
these three people helped me ALOT!!!
omgosh, should have seen me lah..
i was actually studying! haha!

the test came..
i'll die for equations cos alot i get water!!!
like... erm..
acid + *some nonsense i wrote* >> salt + water
but first part i can get lah...

english was watever..
i love mel!
she loves playing "i changed my phone!"
switch phone with ehm ehm..
i also like!
got alot to explore eventhough its the same thing everytime!

went to bedok and tamp with min..
got LEFT by my dearest friend! LOL!
so continued to go jln jln with my prince..
being with him and his friends is soo fun!
some of their fav phrases..
JIA HAO: eh u watch out ah!

talked alot..
took wrong bus to bedok.. lol!
good thing we alight correct stop...
i wanna buy donut..
but nvm, save up..
next time buy 6 in a row!
weeeeeeeeeeeeee! LOL

ok wanna go sleep..
next time continue..
gonna sleep early today..

unwritten! atThursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
feels nicce to write everything out..
i'm not the type who always speaks her mind..
so writing is my next best thing..

lifes freaking hard...
my other blog is wow lahh!
my emotions all let out here!

sometimes, i just inconsolable...
typical mira... haiyo!
happy thoughts were meant to be shared...
but my blog's sort of like my diary...

my past is just a mirage...
sad things happened in my past..
thhats why i'd rather its a mirage...
pictures are much better than words..
by looking at one,
you can tell loads of things!

ok if u understand my ;secret' msg in this post,
please do tag and tell me!
cos seriously!
its bloody easy!
read it again and you can find my secret 'diaries'..
haha! good luck!
*munn and min, u better understand!!*

unwritten! atWednesday, September 16, 2009

 i just need to be

when i'm bloody angry,
please give me 40 minutes max?
i'll cool...
the more people come to me,
the more i'll cry..
ask isha & min,
they know...

ok today was funnn..
me and Mel can stop saying,
"i wanna go zoo!!"
i begin to love the people around me..
talking to melissa is funnn
she so freaking random!

ok common test,
dont talk about it!
i love today cos our beloved miss koh didn't come!
mr tiang too!
ms dee too!
so funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! haha!

during maths, did corrections and stuff...
became bored so talked with the people around me...
Davin and min jie didn't believe me and munn
when we said we weren't -.....

geog was.. erm..
wat did we do again?? lol
recess was spent sleeping..
bad headache...
teddy became my pillow! haha!
thanx teddy! muaks!

took picts with munn too...
damn fun!
english came..
wat a bore!
then maths was spent playing games.. haha!
physics was well.
as for usual...
malay was OMG!
well, atleast new teacher! haha!

lunch was horrible!
i repeat,
*isha: its not ur fault..
its hers*
ok blood went to highest floor..
*blood went upstairs lah..*
silent treatment was given..
msges were ignored....
but then cooled lah..
oh and i wasn't THAT sleepy anymore..
cos of my 'blood level'

went home to make cococrunch + choc!
finished in like an hour or so?
funnnnn! and i got to see burnt honey cornflakes! haha!
some of the cococrunch chocolate havent harden..
even after like.. 4hours?
something went wrong...

ok then went tuition..
i hate graphs..
was forced to memo something..
couldn't go home till i got it right...
nvm, i'm home aren't i?
so i guess you know how tuition went.. haha

ok tomorrow got 2 tests..
chem and poa..
havent study wat so ever..
so better go off...

thanx for being there...
even when i refused to talk...
its nice to be alone...
but remember this..the best place to me,
will be being with my prince..

unwritten! atWednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

“Buka pintu! Saya penat tunggu di luar!” Encik Harith memekik setelah dia mengetuk pintu walaupun hanya satu kali sahaja dia mengetuk. Setelah mendiamkan diri beberapa ketika sebelum membuka pintu. Encik Harith terus mula mengadu tentang hari yang dilaluinya. Encik Harith kelihatan seperti telah disampuk roh jahat, syaitan. Meja dapur habis diterbalikkannya. Dia kemudian mula memekik kepada Cik Fidah, isterinya. Arman tidak sanggup melihat bapanya melakukan begitu kepada ibunya sendiri. Dia terus ke biliknya dan mendengar musik.

“Bukan kali pertama ayah begini. Aku tidak terdaya berbuat apa-apapun.” Katakan Arman di hati. Walau beberapa kuat suara musiknya, dia masih terdengar suara ayahnya memekik. Arman boleh dengar bunyi pukulan seperti orang membanting padi. Arman langsung tidak dapat menahan perasaan marah di hatinya tetapi apakah yang terdaya dilakukannya? Bukankah dia akan dipanggil anak derhaka jika dia melawan ayah kandungnya sendiri? Hari demi hari, perasaan marahnya menjadi bukit di hatinya. Walaupun begitu, dia tetap menyayangi ayahnya.

“Anak kamu pun satu masaalah! Pelajarannya tidak begitu bagus! Malahan asyik dipanggil guru besar di sekolah hanya kerana pelajarannya tidak bertambah baik! Apa boleh kita buat? Kamu di rumah pun tidak mengajarnya apa-apapun!...” Encik Harith menyambung. Arman tidak dapat menahan air matanya dari terus jatuh membasahi pipinya. Amatnya sedih apabila ayahnya sendiri mangatakan begini tentang dirinya. Dia tahu bahawa pelajarannya memang tidak memuaskan ibu bapanya tetapi peperiksaan tamat sekolah rendah sudah dekat dan dia mahu menbuat ibu bapanya bahagia.

Esoknya, dia membuat keputusan. Dia tidak sanggup membiarkan ibunya menderita. Dia mahu menolong ibunya dan juga membuat kedua-dua ibu bapanya bangga. Setelah dia pulng ke rumah, dia terus mengeluarkan sekeping kertas dan mula menulis segala apa yang telah terjadi di rumah sejak ia masih kecil lagi. Dia melepaskan segala-gala perasaannya di kepingan kertas itu. Perasaan benci, dendam, kasihan, sayang and banyak lagi.

Setetah dia habis menulis, dia takut hendak menghantar ceritanya kepada cikgu. Suratnya terus disimpan disuatu tempat yang rahsia. Dia terus mula mengulangkaji pelajaran. Hari demi hari berlalu dan tidak satu haripun berlalu tanpa Arman memikir tentang pelajarannya. Apabila kertas peperiksaan karangan diberi kepada semua murid-murid, dia membaca soalannya. Dia terus teringat tentang suratnya dan menyedari bahawa cerita yang ditulis disurat itu boleh dikaitkan dengan soalan peperiksaannya itu. Dia terus menulis tentang dirinya sebagai karangannya.

Apabila peperiksaannya telah tamat dan keputusan semua murid dikeluarkan, guru besar mengumumkan bahawa karangan Arman adalah karangan yang amat digemari oleh guru yang memeriksa kertas-kertas peperiksaan mereka. Amatlah bangga apabila ibu bapanya medengar berita ini. Dia dipanggil naik kepentas dan untuk membaca tulisan karangannya kepada semua yang hadir. Dia mula membaca. Setelah selesai, dia melihat ke arah ibu bapanya. Dia terlihat bapanya sedang menangis. Setelah selesai upacara itu, bapanya terus menuju kearah Arman.

“Bapa minta maaf. Selama ini, bapa tidak tahu bagaimana perasaan kamu terhadap bapa. Tidak sekalipun bapa fikirkan tentang perasaan kaum. Bapa hendak memberitahu kamu bahawa bapa dan ibu kamu berasa amat besar hati terhadap kamu!” Encik Harith meluahkan kepada Arman. Air mata terus melilih mambasahi pipi mereka. Pada saat inilah Arman berasa bahawa cita-citanya untuk melihat bapanya bahagia pada pertama kali telah direalisasikan.

unwritten! atSunday, September 13, 2009


i dunno if i'll keep blogging..
very complicated nowadays..
i'll blog when i'm bored...
i wrote a very nice karangan! *malay compo*
to me nice lah! haha!
will copy paste and quote it here asap..
*when i'm done atleast!*

ok lets see some incompleted things to do:
  1. physics - file in!
  2. malay - compo!
  3. maths - eoy
  4. maths - eoy
  5. maths - oey
  6. geog - wkbk
  7. social studies - delayed hw
  8. maths - some exercises i think?
  9. presents - 3 boys!!!!!
i think thats all...
need to finish all!!!
shoot lah! got like...
6 important things to do
and 1 just-cos-i-want-to-do things to do!!
get real mira,
lets see a miracle happen! haha!

unwritten! atSunday, September 13, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

 Pathetic Day
a little girl refused to wake up..
she got shocked and finally woke up..

something thats expected happened to her
and now she's suffering.. grrr...
but then, she managed to survive in her condition..
she fell asleep after breakfast and had to rush to bedok ASAP.

she went to macs with her friends.
she saw some friends she recognised.
sadly, she couldn't remember their names.. LOL

they trained to AMK.
took bus..
and unfortunately
they walked here,
they began whinining..
'fortunately' for her,
her friend kept irritating her..

but she remained cool...
arrived there,
they had to do FREE LABOUR!
carry stuff here and there...

good thing she wasn't -..

then, she had to stand at her position for just ONE car..
its an important visitor's car...
she waited,
and waited,
and waited....
she even had enough time to distribute flyers!!!
and waited somemore..
finally the car came.
she was supposed to direct the car..
but the driver ignored her..
*wtf rite? i know!!*
she got scolded by her ma'am after that...

she and her friends had nothing to do..
they and some others just stood there..
for a long long long time!!!!
but watched a memorable parade....
*i love the part where the parents changed their ranks for them!!!*
*staff sergent to MA'AM/SIR!!!*

she then went to tamp for dinner..
her friends were so hyped!
oh plus,
she was super happy when she finally got her....

ok so now she's finally home..
she's got a major headache
so i better go and help her out..

i keep thinking it was my fault..
but i decided not to think so much..
but when u didn't reply,
i got worried...
are you angry at me??

unwritten! atSaturday, September 12, 2009

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you receive a message from?
what do u think??

How many tattoos do you want to get?

What is the latest you've stayed up in the past week?
erm... 1am plus?

Where’s your phone right now?
infront of me...

Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone?

Who was your last missed call from?
ko young hyun!

What woke you up this morning?
my mom's screams? lol

Where was your default picture taken?
erm.. home i think

Name something you dislike about the day you're having:
getting lost in the middle of nowhere?

Are you disappointed in anyone?
erm.. myself?

If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean?
i'm thinking about a problem... 

Have you made a mistake this past week?
alot i guess

Is there anything in your past that you'd like to try again?

Do you think your life story would make a great movie?
erm.. maybe? haha

Is there a night you would like to put on repeat and live forever?
erm.. hmm.. i dont tink so.

Have you ever been cheated on?
i dunno...

Who is your last text from?
zi ming sir?

What are you sick of?
making stupid mistakes

Are you missing anyone/something?

Next time you will kiss someone?
u ask me, i ask who?

Are you mad at anyone?
erm.. maybe..? kind of...?

Are you imagining anyone naked right now?

Ever had a near death experience?
erm.... hmm...

Something you do a lot?
jump to conclusions!
go green eyes also! haha

Do you want to see somebody right now?

When was the last time you cried?

Who would you do anything for?

Do you love anyone?

What should you be doing right now?
homework / sleep

Do you still talk to your ex?
kind of?

Who was the last person you yelled at?
ko young hyun.

Do you have a dirty mind?
if u're dirty, i will be! haha!

Did you give anyone his/her first kiss?

When was the last time you saw your biological father?
just few seconds ago?

Do you treat yourself well?
yupp! ;P

Do you have friends living in other countries?
erm.. had ah.. haha

Would you rather live by yourself or with a randomly chosen roommate?
randomly chosen roommate! 

Last time someone asked you to be their girlfriend/boyfriend?

What does your fifth text say?
"at the mrt..."

First S in your contacts?

Has a boy sat on your bed before?
my lil bro? 

Ever kissed anyone eighteen or older?
my parents?

When is the last time you talked to your #2?
i dunno...

Do you think someone is thinking about you?

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
yea.. it was sad seeing her do that!

How many texts are in your inbox?
i dunno.. alot?.

Do you believe that cheating is okay?
who the * would agree?

Do certain songs remind you of certain people?

Last person you hugged?

Is the last person you texted male or female?

Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to?

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

Is there someone you don't ever want to be out of your life?

Are you good at hiding your feelings?

Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone a lot?

How can people tell if you're in a bad mood?
staring into thin air, listening to music quietly. 

Do you ever get "good morning" texts from anyone?

Do you miss your past?

Is there something you want to say to someone but can't/won't?
but it wont matter to the person(s) anyways...
so why bother?

unwritten! atSaturday, September 12, 2009

I Am The Only Me
Nurul Amira here!
Call me aMira! haha
was in tkps,
currently in bgss,
NOW 3E3!
my fav date,
am a virgo! (the one that waits.. lols)

i wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away...
I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away...
I wrote your name in my heart,
and that is where it's going to stay forever!

who am i?
what kind of person am i?
who am i to you?
am i the one for you?

you are the only one for me
dont tell me its a dream
promise me you'll still be here
i know you will survive,
so just hold on,
and i'll still be there for you..
cos i am just a heartbeat away❤

whispers in the wind...