Friday, July 31, 2009
really irritated by blogger..
my blog's so dull.. gah...
ok nvm...
today was..
very not that fun...
in the morning,
cos rite, someone's single.. haha
then she screamed again..
cos when we were about to go back to class
from toilet ah...
we saw SOMEONE again! haha!
so we kept laughing and laughing behind him! LOL
during maths,
jingwen got isha into trouble! haha!
she asked some question about the graph..
then miss koh was like,
"wah this graph so perfect?"
it wasn't supposed to be lahh.. haha
in class,
i got scolded by miss koh..
wth lahhhh?!
they disturb me, i get scolded......
i leanrt my lesson.. haha
ss was funny! haha!
rite when mrs C came in,
arshad msg me..
he say mrs C dont let him come back
until his mc done already.. haha
mrs C said to him
no no no no no no!
LOL! while SS,
he was msging mrs C
i saw her keep taking her hp! haha!
today sucked..
you wanna know why??
cos we got FIVE PERIODS of maths...
but ok lah..
funn talking to jingwen and yasmin! haha!
lunch went out with jingwen, wei wen and min
i loved going out with them!
they bully yasmin till the max!
then we cant stop laughing! haha!
should go out with them more often! LOL!
sjab came..
shall not say much...
cos got scoldedby someone really badly...
almost cried but my fault lahh
should remind myself to update that person...
or else i die again! haha
i realised now..
i miss commanding,
i suck at it,
and i'm afraid to do it again...

unwritten! atFriday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
cos of SOMEONE,
blogger still like that time...
ok today was... gah...
suffered LBP....
so from the moment i met yasmin
till we reached school i was emoing.. haha!
felt super duper tired!!!
my hands were cold,
my face was hot
and my temp was low... great huh???
could barely walk
so was forced to go back...
yasmin and munn said i was shivering all the way! haha!
before going out of the class,
the teacher said,
"is she crying??" to munn..
so went home with that tired look...
slept at home but got irritated...
people kept msging
"get well soon"
"get some rest"
haha! yasmin should know the last one....
i came back anyways....
it was ndp debrief u know!
how can i miss it?!
i am contigent ic somemore!
met arshad at bus stop..
walked to school together....
he seem so sick lahhh....
then the sec4s saw us...
they all went,
"eh i tot you sick?"
"how come you here with her??"
"waliao i dont wanna get sick!"
and stuff that should not be mentioned.. haha
found out there's no marching!
cos no drummers....
so do static drills...
pathetic sey....
oh and sjab is the second contigent..
so from the left, *facing front*
falg people....,
then gg...
had fun gossiping bout ppl with an unexpected person..
then i randomly talked bout a hot guy
to a guy!
cool or wat??????
while ndp debrief,
SOMEONE flirted with hakimmmm! haha
did drills with dy and bron...
then met mr teo..
then went home...
i merajok cos of shazli.. haha
irritating lahhhhhhh...
bus-ed home with yasmin!
and we talked alot sey!
especially bout her...
we talk bout h*****
who was omgosh! haha!
i told her bout the huy who said the other guy was hot...
she went,
"is he gay or wat???"
took wrong bus when we wanted to change bus...
remind me not to take 168 again! haha!
Yasmin saw this guy running...
he dropped his phone thingy..
so we went to police station to give it back...
the hot guard wanted OUR details....
but the other one said one person can already...
so i gave yasmin's details! HAHA!
Me and Amira talked about H*****.
The super duper hot guy from NCC!
Someone who's got taste.
Unlike Murni,
Who gave me her blah look.
I loveeeee Amira alot!
Went to Macs to my ice cream.
Amira was laughing like a mad person cause there was a short girl near us.
Bestfriendku kental!
:Pi think rite..
i forgot alot of details..
but yasmin should be thankful..
cos mostly shoudl be about her...
never went tuition today...
didn't feel like it...
but happy lahh..
go tuition so boring! haha
he may be hot
but i chose you...
i'll miss you so much!
i'll miss seeing your face
everytime i prank call you.....
i wish to be at home,
as long as you are not in school...
that way,
my heart wont ache that much.....
please feel better....
i know you will...
if not, i'll go your house!!
dont care u like it or not!
and i'll be at your side every moment....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
unwritten! atThursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

this morning was world warrr!
went to give HIM a visit..
then jing wen led the war!
its was like.... 10 against 1? haha
didn't really manage to solve anything lahh
all our faces are freaking stress lahh!
haha! can tell by looking.. haha
then came common test!
omgosh, i'm dead!
i didnt study consequences of conflicts! haha!
anyhow guess lahh!
only wrote bout causes of conflicts! haha
freedom at last!
maths did some crappy work..
it was collected eventhough we couldnt finish it!
wth lahhh!
then came geog!
was so funn!
mr teo rockssss! haha
recess was as for usual...
i didnt bring moneyyy!
ok watever..
ate at class! haha!
lent money from isha! haha!
english was boring...
maths was pathetic again....
physics was... undescribable....
mother tongue was wasted... haha
lunch was i dunno wat lahh..
i think now i wirte the details...
morning with yasmin was tortureee!
she kept talking bout the 'rock'!!!!
stupid idiotic rock with legs and stuff....
freaking..... gahh.....
then had to sing national anthem loudly...
i think my voice is the most out-of-pitch! haha!
was freaking stressed with ndp rehearsals...
schedules were getting mixed up..
time is going to be too short!
and many moree....
plus, i'm the contigent IC!!
then had to conflict with ko AND shaz....
ko's insults were unbearableee!!!
shazli... dont say lahh....
soon, my hair will drop
due to stresss...
and this is only secondary school.....
oral was canceled for me and a few others....
so happy!!
waited for jw they all
then talked bout ndp...
sjab got prob lahh.....
so stressed....
dont talk bout it..
while going home,
yasmin, jing wen and afifah were killing me!!!!
they were making stupid jokes lahh!
about jing wen!!!
we laughed ALOT!
they made me forget bout stress!
we laughed till some people were like staring at us!
in bus, we were stil laughing lahhhh!
i almost couldn't breathe!!! wth?! haha!

i'm hating life.....
*you insult others can
but we cant insult you??
*he makes life complicated
even i cant be patient anymore!
*i'm having moodswings
and i'm being made fun of cos of this....
*its like lifes so hard rite now.....
*i'm getting more and more stressed
and my attitude is changing every second!
*i'm freaking out for alot of things in life rite now...
i'm loving life.....
*i have you by my side....
*i finally know the real meaning
of TRUE friends....
*my firends are patient with me
even when i'm angry bout something....
*they are willing to listen to me
and i'm willing to listen to them....
*my parents are finally backing up......
i seriously got alot to write..
but shall not...
cos rite..
i'll confirm be hyper in like.. 30mins time?!
then i'll forget bout wat to write.. haha!
sorry if i emo lahh..
if i'm freaking out and stuff.....
like brons, jionghong and daoyi said...
one minute i emo,
next thing they know, i'm happy....
then i'll emo again!
and i'll be super hyper after that!
thats me!
*for every negative, there's always a positive*

jw told me
bout how you felt
when i never showed up...
it was so sweet of you..
i'm sorry..
but sometimes...
i just need to be alone for awhile...
i promise,
next time,
i'll never do that again....
unwritten! atWednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wherever you are tonight girl
I'll see you in my dreams
Wherever I go tomorrow
You'll be here next to me
And though we are a world apart
I know you'll never be that far
[c h o r u s]
'Cause here in my heart
There's a picture of us
Together forever
Unfaded and unbroken
Wherever you are
Your love covers me
Forever more you'll be
Here in my heart
Whenever I miss you so much
It's more than I can bear
I won't cry, I'll just close my eyes
And know you'll be there
Your kiss and your touch
I'll never forget
'Cause you're as close
As my very next breath
[c h o r u s]
And though we are a world apart
I know you'll never be that far
[c h o r u s]
My heart
i love this song rite now! haha!
it was the song i loved
when i met a friend of mine...
he became my brother lahhh! haha!
then we met like 5 others?
so we all bonded like sisters and brothers....
it was like having your very own family in school...
sadly when next year came,
we went our separate ways.. grrr....
missing all of themmmmmmmmmm... haha
yasmin should probably know who's my 'brother"! haha!
nabilah also should know!
*hint: 4 joy - 04, i think*
ok today was super omgosh! haha!
in the morning,
i saw (side view) something 'rolling'
thats wat i tot..
i looked down and saw COCKROACHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
wth?! then i like sort of jump lahh..
and yasmin began laughing till we reached school.. gah!
atleast i mad eher smile first thing in the morning! haha
(ok now getting f***ed up by s******)
nvm, i try to be happy...
during assembly i need to sweep floor! wth?!
so yasmin kept laughing AGAIN!
pathetic..... lol!
had to walk around just to sweep floor..
oh oh oh,
plus rite,
i and arshad gave yasmin her present!
she loved the bread! haha!
so she played wif it the whole day long!
*see, i knew buying her that was good! HAH!*
poa was boring as for usual...
got like 11.5/15 for test!
surprised lah! haha!
had photo taking..
our clique was so freaking together lahh! haha
we wasted time for chem! haha!
walk slowly.. haha
had practical! wee~~~
ok then recess..
dont talk bout it can?
maths came next..
went ??? again! haha!
cos bearings suck! haha!
english was slacking time..
copy paaste stuff...
miss E talked for long time..
and thats alll...
lunch was as per normal..
not much..
oh i prank called lucas cos of afifah!
dont ask why and what for... LOL!
mother tongue was omgosh lahh!
we discussed bout ndp stuff
and i can say this.....
sjab got alot to do mannnn!!!!!!!!!
plus, getting fed up.....
shall not elaborate here...
most probably will end up hurting others if i do...
ok now it confirmed!
i got no mood to write anything anymore!
i got alot of negatives in my head lahh!
even my 'hyped' songs cant cheer me up...
life sucks rite now..
especially when both of us are suffering.....
wanna ask other to help..
but they not ug, so they wont understand....
*seriously need help...
**cant take studies anymore...
***getting pissed off easily cos of little stuff...
****i guess i'm getting more hated every moment...............
unwritten! atTuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009

unwritten! atMonday, July 27, 2009
i'm in the com lab rite now
and i can blogggg!! haha!
have been happy since last weekend!!
ok lets story now....
woke up like wow lahh!
then rushed everything and went out for shopping
went to bedok to find keychain but failed.. lol
saw alot of cute stuff though…
oh bought badminton racket!
for funn lah! LOL!
went to singapore post to shop…
bought like only 4 clothes
and guess how much is costs?????
HAHA! i think we shopped for only 1-2hours ahh...
wanted to buy more,
but pity my mom's wallet! haha!
wanted a pair of jeans but only got hipsters...
and they were damn damn smalllll! LOL!
or issit i big?? haha
my mother went like,
"wah only YOUR clothes then $100 plus already!"
so i went,
"eh once in a lifetime opportunity watt!
have to make full use of it!!"
so my father said,
"nevermind lah..
safely she only go shopping like once a year!"
lol! isn't my dad so understanding?!
went to eat at baquet..
but i ate kfc instead.. haha
was sooo full lah!
went home after that
and pretty much didn't do anything...
ok now..... SUNDAY!
wow lahh!
was not allowed to go out actually..
but i chiong as much hw as possible in 3 hours! haha!
and i managed to do alot sey!
so went out asap!
tot i was late.. haha
met arshad at bedok mac..
we found out we were not supposed to meet there...
we were supposed to meet at EAST COAST MAC!
so bused all the way to east coast...
i'm so glad we didn't get lost! haha!
so met carissa, jess, brendan, henderson, jiahao and leo...
we waited and waited and waited for jie yi and lindsay.....
but me and arshad went to walk walk first...
sat at the breakwater..
was so peaceful but noticed people looking at us..
talk talk alot ah..
then met up with the rest,
found the two girls
and rented bikes......
went to cycle all the way to changi seyy!
never did i go there before!
cycled for like 3hours plus i think...
had afew rest stops...
and rite,
he entertained himself by taking picts....
he went beside me to take a shot
and went infront of me to take another!!!!!!!!!!!!
fish fish fish fish fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then carisa and lindsay got lost somewhere..
and we were late to return bike....
so sad lah....
then after finding the two,
we went to pay the fine..
arshad, jie yi and i went home cos freaking tired....
the rest went to go eat dinner....
slept in the bus just to be waken up by the singtel msg...
rubbish msg.....
in the end,
guess how far we cycled???
25-30KM!!! omgosh!
was soo tired lahh.....
came home and my father went,
"wah u take taxi come home ah??
so early! only 9.30pm!
not 10pm yet!"
is he kidding me??
so thats my weekend..
just regretted one thing...
wish i could go buy more clothes! haha!
ok lah...
today very fun..
went to T1 with a friend of mine..
went to buy present for yasmin...
confirm she'll like it..
know why??
cos our present are both kinda similar! haha!
so if she loses one, she got another! haha!
unwritten! atMonday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
today was AWSMMMMMM!
i hate blogger btw...
cant change colour!
so plain! haha!
ok let see....
was freaking raining in the morning..
then got this SMART GIRL
go 'spray' water on me
outside of 4e1 somemore!!!!!
went into class just to go out again!
went to canteen and went up AGAIN!
great huh? haha!
got special 'quality time' wif jingwen..
wah her - very.. wth!
hate herrrrr!
maths was omgosh lahh!
miss k ask me do the bearings thingy on board!
then got two big crosses! haha!
i nvr write reason laaaaahhhhh!
but had fun bombing lucas...
cant believe miss k didnt know! haha!
P.E was next!
we play net ball again..
guess wat??
i actually scored!
finally scored.. haha!
first round, we won by 7 - 2
second round wa lost by 2 - 4/3
then recess came..
my 'blood went upstairs'!!!
cos i was like.. omgosh lahh!
nak practice ke tak??
say wanna practice,
end up i singing alone.....
fish fish fish.. haha!
but then lucas came...
so we really did practice lah..
but weilun and junrong turn to fight...
tension tension... haha
but we did it lahh!
took like.. three scenes?? haha!
first one was... omgosh! LOL!
was soo hungryyyy!
but survived lahh...
ss was slack lahh!
so quiet!
every word almost had same meanings....
so i went all "???"
class period was boringgg!
so i started to throw paper balls at lucas....
jingwen played along too!
and we did this...
lucas: who throw ahh??
me: wah dont look at me sia!
it was isha!
jingwen: ya lor! haiyo isha ah!
lucas: *made the i-got-my-eyes-on-you sign to isha*
isha: eh what sey?! AMIRA!
and we laughed happily ever after!
in the end rite..
our music video was canceled...
due to the fact that
the only people who'll get 'distinction' for this 'project are...
and lucas...
we made a new music video..
this time,
everyone was in it...
some nvr sing lahhh!
but we sounded great anyways.. haha
went to banquet wif munn, isha and min
we all ate same thing...
i and munn were bloated seyyy! haha
went ntuc to buy drink
and headed back to school..
i saw adlan and he saw me...
i didn't know it was him or not...
so we were like staring into each other...
i was like..
"do i like know him???"
then murni asked,
"isn't that adlan?"
went closer and,
to our surprise,
it was!!!! haha!
chatted with him for awhile..
then left him and min in the bus..
sitting beside each other....
*u have got to understand what i'm trying to say!*
i'm so dead lahh!!
got sjab..
lets not elaborate..
then watched npcc bersurai!
for the first time,
i hear arshad commanding!
yay! haha!
stayed back to play captains ball...
with npcc and jiong hong
was soo afraid of hanming lahh!
was defender...
then i go midfeild....
suddenly hanming go throw ball straight above me!!!
(note to self, stay away from hanming!)
but funn lah eventhough we lost!
arshad fell alot of times...
and shi siang was irritating!!!!
he kept snatching the ballllll!!!!! haha!
but fun talking to him..
talk all rubbish with valerie also!
came back home after that..
i could hardly bend my legs!!
after bending them,
i cant straighten themmmm!!!
overall, today was funn.....
didn't eat sey after reaching home!
but i drank alot! haha!
cant wait till tomorrow and sunday!!
unwritten! atFriday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
today rite,
since it was as for normal,
i only got one thing to tell the whole wide world..
its about this stupid facebook quizz....
they help you find the top 5 people
who got 'crush' on you....
i accidentally pressed girls,
and these were the names accordingly;
1) murni *bestie*
2) fadhilah *close friend*
3) jane FOOOO *bestie*
4) shazlyn *best couz*
5) yingjie *best senior*
great rite?
but wait,
so i go do boy lahh!
i dont fall for girls ok!
these are the results;
2) RYHAN *best couz*
5) KO!!!!
WTH?! great lahhhhh!!!!
ok thats all i wanted to tell u!
i know,
confirm u smiled while reading that!
i have telekanasis!
however u spell that word! LOLs
unwritten! atThursday, July 23, 2009
this post is rubbish
and i am not emo!
so do not think i wrote this cos i emo!
i wrote this cos
sorry if i used the word bitch too much..
at least i'm insulting myself tooo!
(for once!! haha!!)
yay wanna know a secret??
i cant blog
they cant too
i'm a bad girlfriend
i'm such a bad friend
they’re bitches and biatches
i'm a bitch too
i should never let go
he shouldn’t have too
the whole wide world is like this..
my world is too
people have ups and downs
people have positive and negative 'features'
so do i
i have been patient with it all
they have been patient with me
i'm angry at them
they are angry at me
I love them so much
I hope they love me
This is my world,
The way it should be,
The way I created it,
The way we want it to be.
Be thankful for what you have
Cos you’ll never know when you’ll lose it
So make the best of every moment
And never regret a single bit
People call us bitches,
We call them worse bitches
We live in a world of bitches
And this makes us all the same
Thus we are all connected
Thus we are all the same…
We may be similar
but we are so different.
We are so different
That we are actually similar
unwritten! atThursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
(some dunno what test lahh ehk..just play along by reading!some of it is rubbish lahh..especially bout the repost thingy..)♥ CRUSH TEST ♥
**************PAPER AND A
**************NUMBER IT: 1 -
**********PICK THE BEST
************AND WRITE THE
**************HERE'S THE TEST.!
1. Pick your favorite color out of the
A. Red
B. Pink
C. Yellow
D. Green
E. Blue ♥
F. Purple
2. Pick your favorite animal out of
the following:
A. Cat ♥
B. Dog
C. Fish
D. Snake
E. Parrot
F. Mouse
3. Pick your desired honeymoon spot:
A. Hawaii ♥
B. New York
C. East Africa
D. Spain
E. Montana
4. Pick your favorite instrument:
A. Violin
B. Piano ♥
C. Electric Guitar
D. Drums
5. Pick your favorite soft drink:
A. Dr. Pepper
B. Sprite ♥
C. Coca Cola
D. Pepsi
E. Mountain Dew
6. Name A Person Of The Opposite Sex... (♥ you)
7. Name A Person Of The Same Sex... (♥ jingwen)
8. The Time Now... (♥ 6.22pm)
9. Your Age (♥ 14)
10. You don't have to write it down,
but make a WISH make sure its what you
really want.
...and then scroll down! (now go down,
and you will see the answers!!!)
Question number ONE:
A. Red - Adventerous
B.. Pink - Fun
C. Yellow - Sweet
D. Green - Wacky
E. Blue - Romantic ♥
F. Purple - Mysterious
Question number TWO:
A. Cat - Feminine ♥
B. Dog - Loving
C. Fish - Boring
D. Snake - Boyish
E. Parrot - Annoying
F. Mouse - Brainy
Question number THREE:
A. Hawaii - Romantic ♥
B. New York - Busy
C. East Africa - Curious
D. Spain - Mysterious
E. Montana - Country Girl/Boy
Question number FOUR:
A. Violin - Intellectual
B. Piano - Popular ♥
C. Electric Guitar - Wacky
D. Drums - Wild
Question number FIVE:
A. Dr. Pepper - Popular
B. Sprite - Wacky ♥
C. Coca Cola - Wild
D. Pepsi - Fun
E. Mountain Dew - Athletic
Question number SIX:
That person will have a crush on you
after you
repost this!
Question number SEVEN:
That person will become your enemy if
you don't
repost this!
Question number EIGHT:
How many hours long you have to repost
Question number NINE:
How many months that you and the
person in number 6 will go out! if you
repost this..or longer
Question number TEN:
That will come true if you repost this
in the amount
of time (question) number 8 says!
REPOST DIS AS "♥ CRUSH TEST ♥"(ps ps, i cant blogg anymoree! blogger got problemmm!
unwritten! atMonday, July 20, 2009
today was soo fun!oh but i used the word bitch on a person to much!haha! she deserves it lahh!cant tahan anymore!i burst into flames just now! haha!ok i wont be mean lah..first rule, my past is history...morningg was super!yasmin and i talked all the way till school!a made her laugh till she cant breath! haha!then she said,"mira, i cant breathe!"while she made her laugh moree! haha!so we laughed till reach class....our class was dead seyy till we arrived! haha!our clique planned wat to do for this friday already!!we're gonna sing like 3 songs!there are like 10 ppl in the and isha gonna sing the climb..hopefully it wont rain! haha!before that, we wanted to sing we're all in this together.....then i got sore throat due to laughing too much! haha!so my voice went super loww!so i choosed to do diff song with isha!it feels as though we are the only ppl who are prepared to do something for 4e3 lahh!the rest all sit one corner! haha!relax one corner, let us do! haha!nvm, they nvr participate, not our problem anyways...i'm evil lahh.... see lah!i too hyper today! haha!then had mother alot to do seyy!somemore i dunno what to write bout my book!i love it,but i cant rephrase it lahh!next came chemistry...first thing we did after coming into labis the test!i forgot how to find volume!!! haha!i've been asking"how to find volume?"then i was ignored.. lol!so deaddddd! but i did what i could lahh!went for recess...was in canteen for awhile,but soon went up....went up to try out the songs....we fought bout what songs to sing...then finally these are the songs:-all for one-no boundaries-the climbisha is soo gonna sing the highand i'm gonna sing kinda low.. haha!i cant make it high siaa!need practice...oh oh oh,plus rite,arshad so bad!nvr tell me the story!ask him for script,then he dont give!nvm, i'll wait! hah!english came..we read a passage bout 2 times i think..first if teacher read for us....then second, our turn to read....supposingly everyone read ahh...but only 50%/- read aloud...maths came..wahhhhh!she let ur do polynomials...die die die! haha!alot of us dunno how to do!i asked isha to help me..then after like 2questions, i help isha! haha!i need to do one question seyy!gah.. trying to fidure out how to do! haha!lets not talk bout lunch ok?make 'my blood go upstairs!'lol!physics came..tot mdm A nvr come..then she appeared..we all went,"wth? why she here?!"haha!while doing physics,murni got insulted like a thousand times!! haha!mostly by yasmin lahh!i just add on! haha!there was once, yasmin said,"i'm surrounded by 2 retarded people"then i asked back,"does that include you??"haha!also, yasmin said this,"see murni giving the ugly face again"so i said,"isn't that her normal face??"haha!!!omgosh, i'm freaking evilllll!gah, too evil!!EveryVilainIsLemon???haha!spongebob taught me this! haha!on the way back home,luke insulted jingwen and weijia...and stuart also!so isha, min and i made a song for luke.this is how it goes...di mana dia,luke chan kambing saya.luke chan kambing saya,sedang minum susunya!di mana dia,luke chan kambing saya.luke chan kambing sayasedang makan tahinya!oh oh oh,chan mali chan,LUKE CHAN!chan mali chan,LUKE CHAN!so that's where we stopped..haha! then everyone went crazzzyy!haha!i loved today!was finally so freaking hyper! haha!ok i go do homework loads seyy! haha!byeeee____________________________________________(edited)got this dunno who rite,suddenly only sia msg me!ask me help beat up weird lahh!lol!then i say huh??the person say arshad's friend play around wif his phone..then msg all sorts of cute things lah!then i was like"???"so i ask, why he msg so weird..then he say,he msging for arshad how he really feels..! lol!!
unwritten! atMonday, July 20, 2009
(some true. some, maybe not? idk)
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2)Five Minutes:
If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4)Go Ahead:
This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5)Loud Sigh:
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6)That's Okay:
This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'. that will bring on a 'whatever').
Is a woman's way of saying F---YOU!
(9)Don't worry about it, I got it:
Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
unwritten! atMonday, July 20, 2009
dont bother reading.. unless you wanna do this quiz...then copy paste,while answering, read the answers....if not,dont not read cos it's freaking longg....WHAT WAS YOUR:
1. Last beverage: blue berry!
2. Last phone call: afifah
3. Last text message: amelia
4. Last song you listened to: the way i loved you
5. Last time you cried: ....
6. Dated someone twice: ...
7. Been cheated on: dont think so.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: nopee
9. Lost someone special: yea....
10. Been depressed: was but i'm living with rules now!
11. Been drunk and threw up: eeyer! no!
12. sky blue
13. navy blue
14. is rainbow a colour?
15. Made a new friend: loads! ;P
16. Fallen out of love: ....
17. Laughed until you cried: OFCOURSE!18. Met someone who changed you: yeaa
19. Found out who your true friends were: yupp.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: gah! haha
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: .....
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: erm, all? haha
23. How many kids do you want to have: erm.. hmm.. lol
24. Do you have any pets: nopee
25. Do you want to change your name: no way! my name's perfect for me! haha
26. What did you do for your last birthday: do not remind me! hate it alot!!
27. What time did you wake up today: erm.. hm.. haha
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping.. ZzZzZz.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: tom and jerry??
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: currently.. no1! moved on!
35. Most visited webpage: fb! blog too
36. Whats your real name: N.A.B.A.L.!
37. Nicknames: a-mirror!
38. Relationship Status: ....
39. Zodiac sign: VIRGO!
40. Male or female?: Female ofcourse!
41. Elementary?: ermm.. haha.. tkps lahh
42. Middle School?: bgss!
43. High school/college?: sorry, not there.. YET!
44. Hair colour: Black+brown??
45. Long or short: short :(
46. Height: last time i checked, 1.65m?47. Do you have a crush on someone? ...
48: What do you like about yourself? i'm trying to live life to the fullest?
49. Piercings: ear
50. Tattoos: NOPE :D
51. Righty or lefty: RIGHTY!
52. First surgery: nil!
53. First piercing: ear, long long LONG time ago.
54. First best friend: if real best friend, weijia! haha!
55. First sport you joined: CAPTAINS BALL! love it!
56. First vacation: langkawi, malaysia
58. First pair of trainers: erm....RIGHT NOW
59. Eating: air! makan angin!
60. Drinking: nothing
61. I'm about to: do my essay! haha
62. Listening to: i'm only me when i'm with you
63. Waiting for: time to stop itself....
64. Want kids?: maybee
65. Get Married?: maybee
66. Career?: gah! wanted doctor!
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses?: Hugs.
69. Shorter or taller: taller? haha
70. Older or Younger: same age?? lol71. Romantic or spontaneous: both ;P
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: any or none or anything lahh
73. Sensitive or loud: both! haha
74. Hook-up or relationship: erm....
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: lol! i dunno!
76. Kissed a stranger: eeeeeeeeeeeee
77. Drank hard liquor: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
78. Lost glasses/contacts: nope!79. Sex on first date: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! x 1000000
80. Broken someone's heart: erm.. hoping not...
82. Been arrested: no way!
83. Turned someone down: yea... :(
84. Cried when someone died: erm... hmmm.....
85. Fallen for a friend?: hehe
86. Yourself: not really.. sometimes?
87. Miracles: do happen.
88. Love at first sight: erm.. no? haha
89. Heaven: yea 90. Santa Claus: nope! fat person going down chimney?
91. Kiss on the first date: ermm....
92. Angels: yea.
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: *finally finishing!*
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no way!
95. Did you sing today?: haha! it rained!
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: nopee
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? november08......
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? around 14nov?
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: ermm... maybe?
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yupp!told u not to read!
unwritten! atMonday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
today is superr boring!!!eeeeeeeeeeeee..............cos need to revise the aMaths thingys.....i am so officially dead for aMaths retest! haha!but if drop, sayang seyy!dah lah susah susah blajar!lol!ok translation:if i drop, wasted siaaa!put in all that effort for nothing!supposed to do english rite now..but playing on facebook instead..trying to kill time! haha!things are getting more and more stressful!!could barely keep up!especially my corner of the class super hyper!if they hyper bout studying ok sey! haha!its so hard to continue my hyperness...i guess sitting with all these ppl are nice lah!they keep me awake during lessons..ok except ss maybe.. haha!mrs C you knoww!make noise, lets see you future! haha!missing mr frankie rite now...why cant he take chem????mr T is killing us! haha!mole concept... so dead lah our class...try paying attention to someone who's, when teaching you,tone when teaching is like teaching kindergarteners!i dunno how to describe lah...its like.....classsss, nowww, we're going to learnnnn bout calculationssss...*the triple or more letters are when his tone goes higher...*i know, you dont understand..i dont too! haha!feel like walking in the rain,but sadly, the rain just i got another problem,so cant go into rain.. gah.....yesterday....went to meet up wif bgsj ppl..had super tough meeting..talked bout loads of problems...wah.. then all like no mood ans the problems..damn alot lahh!schedule,bfa,competition,zone comp,lectures,sk hw,and alot moreeeee!haha!then met up wif the two Asamelia and afifah..they say wanna study maths..then nvr say clearly wat to i didn't bring the 'relevant' materials..didn't benefit sia for me!reach there,after few minutes,went off..cos fifi need meet her parents.....came home and saw my couz here...she helping my sis with maths..end up,i give them miss koh's notes...then they BOTH studied the notes..kept asking this and that...then i kept saying,"thats the concept wat! haha!"really! they ask like"why like this? why use this not that?"so i duno how to say lahh! haha!should ask ms koh come down! LOL!if she come down,will be super funn lahh!i ask her bring her daughter along!haha! while she teach themme and my lil bro play wif her daughter! weee~~~~~~~~~~~~oh and i wanna follow yasmin ahh!i wanna make rules for my life! haha!
lets see......1) the past shall be history!
2) watever he says from now on, shall be ignored!
3) i will try my best for every subject!
4) get away from comp as much as possible!
5) never take arshad's phone again!
he'll take my bag and i'll have to chase him!
6) always go to friends for help! never keep it in.
ok so far, i keep these rules in mind...should be easy lahh...number 3 is hard!cos this week got like 4 tests ehk??i dunno..cant remember all! haha!ok off to go learn some songs for thursday!i'm so gonna record the whole thing! haha!
unwritten! atSunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
its like a sickness... gosh..
i need isha!
especially wif all the tests coming up.....
ok i wanna be hyper! haha!
cos its boring being emo..
i just found out.. =.=!
i feel like going into the water...
cos its been long since i went into the sea...
maybe next week i go..
oh wait, i cant...
september holidays??
so farrr!
haha!.... hmmm......
maybe somewhere in october..
yea! i ask all my friends along!
dont care sjab, classmate or wat..
i invite..
hmm.. let see...
what time??
wat date??
erm.. erm.. erm....
wait, i go check calender.. haha!
how bout 10th august??
holidays rite?
go beach!
east coast park or pasir ris park?? haha!
then we go from 7am-10pm!!
haha! crazy girl talking nonsense..
erm.. hmm.....
east coast
10 August
12pm ah...
till not sure wat time.. can rite?? haha!
ok ah,
i go do list of ppl i wanna invite...
no wen juns allowed btw,
i dont want gays to come! LOL!ok random quizz time! haha!
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 15 friends.
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun!
1. If someone says "are you okay?", you say?
forever and always – taylor swift
2. How would you describe yourself?
the way I loved you
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
white horse
4. How do you feel today?
love story
5. What is your life’s purpose?
last christmas
6. What is your motto?
tell me why
7. What do your friends think of you?
you belong with me
8. What do you think about very often?
I’m only me when I’m with you ( ;P )
9. What is 2+2?
4th music, white horse (yay!)
10. What do you think of your best friend?
you belong with me
11. What is your life story?
last christmas
12. What do you want to be when you grow up?
forever and always
13. What do you think when you see the person you like?
the way I loved you
14. What will you dance to at your wedding?
love story.. (cute!)
15. What will they play at your funeral?
I’m only me when I’m with you (aww)
16. What is your hobby/interest?
tell me why
17. What’s your biggest fear?
the way I love you
18. What do you want right now?
love story
19. What do you think of your friend?
you belong with me
20. What will you post this as?
white horse.. (lol!!) no more private blogs now..
just got 2 normal blogs...
one is this,
and one is never to be mentioned out of screen....
it was meant for you to read..
but i decided its better no1 knew
anything bout what i wrote..
i may seem emo,
but around all of you,
i will be my happy retarded old
unwritten! atSaturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
today rite,was soo happy lah...then got angry.. cos i found out a secret.. gah!nvm, later then i type out my anger...this morning,i did the maths questions..lucky for me,the exact question that i did this morningwas the exact question that poped out for Amaths test!so had no problem with the test!i and isha were confident of getting full marks!then i found out the1/2 ab sinC need to put the degree sign!shoot lahh! one mark gone,bye bye full marks....!after the test, we got like free i and isha chatted and came pe!we played net ball...firstly sapphire vs ruby..amira vs murni! haha!the sapphire team was soo... wow! haha!the only ones playing were,ghim hwee, weilun, davin and min jie.. lol!davin and min jie tall wat!then ghim hwee and wei lun was freaking good at the game!so the rest stood by,watching them throw from one corner to the other...literally from front to back of parade freakingly funn lah!we know thats a foul,but the ruby dont know that! haha!then sapphire vs topaz....wah, finally we played as a team!davin asked us all to go further and spread out...then i did lah...first score went to topaz....then sapphire didn't wait for everyone to get we played like super fast..kept passing here and there....the topaz went>> "omg! they very good lor!"haha! i so heard them say that! lol!in the end,sapphire vs ruby>>> dunno how many pointssapphire vs topaz>>> 4 - 3yay! haha!recess was full of revision!cos next period SS!i panic a littlebut not as much as a few others lah...i studied wat!yesterday nite,did my own SEQ (the answer)then ashad gave me i studied wat i had writen....alot of details lah written in it....then the real test began...wah i forgot how to writeeee!!!haha! so i wrote what i knew bout the questions....i wanted to write unequal allocation of houses....but i forgot the "allocation" then i didn't write...wrote bout divided loyalties, unequal job opportunitiesand lack of voting rights...i'm soo dead for the lack of voting rights!shoot... well, i did my best and that's wat counts rite?!then came class period..had super duper funn!wished we had more time though!the girls were supposed to singand guys dance..but didnt have enough only did the quizes...super funn lahh!our group rock! haha!we at first got like7 points..and were the highest..then got 2 marks deducted cos of luke! haha!he go anyhow answer lah!then teacher say already,because we in the lead, he'll deduct 2m if wrongly ans...but got last question ah...first group to ans get 5 marks..skip alot of questions cos no1 knows the ans.. hahaand we all scared to lose the end, our group got the 5 marks!! wee~~here were the scores:group 1>> 5 pointsgroup 2>> 7 pointsgroup 3>> 10 points woohoo!group 4>> 3 points... haha!then had to go off...cos the girls wanna go eat before MT oral..i was freaking out!then sheril came to help us out..cos she want us to get high marksto make miss dee happy for once....on the way up,i randomly suddenly said to isha, i think i'm gonna go first sia....isha: why you say that???me: i dunno why but i know i'll be first for sure!isha: huh?? i dont understand. dont think like that lah!me: erm... i tat time was like, " i dont wanna be number one!" for we all drew lots to get our competition numbers....and i got number one!isha: but how did you know sey??me: i dunno... i just have this feeling i guess.....then they tried to cheer me up...after putting the table and chairs outside,i went back inside..i saw the arrangement for oral....and guess wat???I WAS THE FIRST!!!!so the girls were like.."omg, mira.... u just said it just now,and now......"then they were wishing me good luck,but i nvr reply... no mood lah..malay sucks.. english rocks... haha!ok i wont tell you how it was ok?! haha!so some of the girls were talking while waiting for the rest to finnish..then i was told a secret..that i wasn't supposed to got me angry...cos it (in a way) involved me....i felt like slapping his face lahh!his go say to someonethat he was my ~~~!!!fish lahh! dammit... grr.........please tell me bout this post again next monday..cos i'll do a bad deed on that very day..gah.......... shall not whom it may are such a big fat idiot!why must you care bout me?!what did we ever do to you?!i didnt even do anything lahh!cant you stop all these gossips!its damn irritating!!!!!!!if you are jealous, fine! not my problem!i'm not involved!last time,you talked behind my backbout me and two other...and now you're saying that------'s my ---?!omgosh lah!how cruel can you be?!i didn't even know a person like you existed!if you wanna talk bout me,OR ANY OF MY FRIENDStalk to me ah!
you got problem, dont be scared to talk infront of me!not behind my back!i'm so pissed off by you!i've never been any more pissed lah!like i said before,COULD YOU JUST PLEAS LAY OFF????????wat issit to youif we were together?!so what if you didn't get what you aimed for?!what you get is what you deserve lah!you may have the skills,but do you think you got the ATTITUDE?!ok wont further be angry...must be happy..i go listen to songs ah!get him out of my mind that idiot....i tried to find your blog...
but i couldnt...
so i went ofline...
cos i tot i was fine...
but i was wrong...
i kept clicking on your name...
but they keep saying you dont exist...
was it all just a dream???
unwritten! atFriday, July 17, 2009