Friday, February 27, 2009
so long nvr post!!!come i tell u all one dream i had!a hated one!REMEMBER!TIS IS JUST A DREAM!REAL LIFE I'M NOT TAT BAD! *maybe....*
i dreamt of being in the malay room,all my primary school friends were thereeventhough its bedokg reen SEC!there was... min, rid, mahdir, fifahishah, arshad and dunno who somemore!then class ended...(btw, rid was my childhood sweetheart...)miss dee went out then surprisingly rid went to fifahand pick her up(like cradle)!!wattheshit??!!then were like talking to each other lah!then they hugged and stuff!errrr......(green eyes much!)*sorry ah! the pict got red eyes instead of green...*
they went down by main staircase but i didnt follow.went downstairs aloneand cursing fifah(JUST A DREAM AH!)then, dunno how, the next day came..went into MT class again...rid and fifah were like seriously getting on my nerves!!!!!then my ex came!WTF!!!he sat beside arshad then arshad was like,.."you are..? a transfer..?"he was like.."ya. my mom agreed into letting me join ur school.i wanna find my gf.."i was (all the way) covering my face wif a book lah!then miss dee was like,.."hey you! can you put down tat book!why are u covering ur face?!"*in malay ofcourse*then i cant remember wat i answered ah!but i remembered covering my face the whole period and HE doesn't even know it's me!dunno why but i dont wanna see him for some reason.. haiyo!watever lah!*btw, you do NOT wanna meet him!he's not all tat.........*REMEMBER!
REAL LIFE I'M NOT TAT BAD! ok ah!wanna sleep!tomorrow watch CARTOON!! ;Phaha! byeeeeeeeesssss~~~~~~~~~
unwritten! atFriday, February 27, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Straight from the heart
Right from our soul
We truly are sorry
For all that we know
Our mistakes were done
And now have past
So won’t you please please
Sincerely forgive us?
We learnt our lesson
We’ll listen to you
We really feel sorry
We really really do
Please forgive us Miss Koh
We promise not to do it again
You can’t be angry for the rest of the dayBecause it feels like we threw your heart away
this was soo by me llahden budak tu nak ambik creditsebab die tableperson kot!mother freaking ****eri had to go for sj so cant give it to her lahi wanted to give it to her face to face sey!actually afifah and wei lun were supposed to give italong wif mebut NOOO!!! they wanted the credit too!it was my hard work blasting my brainjust to write this freakingly freaking poem!*which was the best i've written*err....i got no idea why they like giving attitude towards me sey!wish they can just come to me and tell me....asked my BFs wat to do..most of them say"they not happy, not happy ah!you ignore them lor!"the boys say tat too...maybe the cope betterwhen it comes to these problems...haiz.....well tomorrow finally tasting victory!! WOOHOO!!FINALLY GETTING PROMOTEDYET SATISFIED CAUSE WE EARNED IT THE HARD WAY!!hard way because its the only way lah!they say,shortcuts are for losers in know how i know?coz of experience... heh...anyways, got LOADS of things to do! last minute things lah!byeeeeeesssssss~~~~~~~~
unwritten! atFriday, February 06, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
come, i join wei jia write poemwe've gone through the daywe've gone through the nightnow i finally knowwat is my frightthe fright of losingso many onesthe feeling of emptynessnow its job is doneemptyness taking overthe whole of my hearthow emptied i feelnow tat you're losttrapped in a worldwif no one to guildtrapped wif no hopeLIKE, WAT IS MY LIFE!all alone in the darknesscrying my sorrowsuntil i see the lightcreating a new world infront of my eyestrying to stand upand found you by my sidei felt a sensational feelinglike never beforea feeling of lovea sense of belonginga friend in needis a friend indeeda forever last hopea forever lasting friendship...when i lost you,i found myself still surrounded wif friendswhen i lost you,i tought it was the endbut looking up i seei'm never alonethe friends i've metwill always be closewat shit sia!i dunno wat i writing!all crap sia!!if you like it, maybe you something wrong...cause....i'm writing blindlyi'm writing the first words tat pop into my mindbut in a way,its a true story.....gtg, homework havent finnish!byeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~
unwritten! atWednesday, February 04, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
i dont know why but i feel emptyits like i lost some ppl in mindyet met new ppl tooeven the new ppl cant replace the old....maybe its because i'm changing...not in a physical kind of waybut in attitude kind of change...maybe i wasn't cut out to remain wif old friends...(great now i'm typing like L)i've found so many new friends...i've recognised many kinds of friends...some good, some bad, and some undescribable...people like... hmm:-weilun-sheini-afifah-ishah-shannen(even)-jingwen-jac-lucas-sa'dan-keithin class, i feel the sense of belonging because of these people...these ppl are the reason i like school more than home..nowadays, i feel like never going home...(even if mdm Az is a pain in the ass)people likebronson, nathaniel, weida(sometimes), weijia,valerie, lynyi are always there for me...whenever i feel left out or sad,they somehow know it and try to help...but in weijia's case, she sometimes force meor make jokes to her how i feel..then i'll eventually start laughing.sometimes, hearing the words,"are you okay?"is enough to make me feel betterif you mean it ofcourse...some ppl know others' problemsbut they still ask this question no matter wat...thats the good thing about them.freakingly miss u all!
unwritten! atTuesday, February 03, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009

ISSIT FUCKINGLY WRONG TO HAVEA MALE BEST FRIEND??IS IT WRONG TO HANG OUT WIF BOYS RATHER THAN GIRLS??IS IT WRONG TO HAVE MORE BOY FRIENDS THEN GIRL FRIENDS???NO RITE!!THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS LAH!GO TELL MANY MANY PEOPLE I FLIRT!WAH FUCKER SIA! YOU GO FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE YOURSELF!!IDIOTIC FOOL...(to that fucking idiot:)When a girl hangs out with boys,it means they are LONELY!When a boy hangs out with girls,it either means they're gay or they're flirtinng!moron!! a simple rule like that also she doesn't know!what bloody shit sia!!!!!!!!!!i blame her for the use of all the vulgarities!wish i can just pick up a chair and smack her sia!like this
bloody shit!!
unwritten! atMonday, February 02, 2009