Tuesday, January 27, 2009
i dont get it..
its over rite?
then why does he seem as though he wants to get back...
i know last year was a bad year..
but if i wanted to,
wouldn't i already ask him to get back?
anyways, my couz will go against it..
actually, they are still against it..
yesterday they were..
"are you sure you like this guy?"
"why do you like him?"
"i dont think you made the rite decision..."
and stuff..
but i nvr told one of them the truth...
my couz >> older bro, hadi. younger bro, hakim.
hadi doesnt know yet that we're not together..
hakim was the one asking questions...
cant stop talking lah he! so i ignored him...
we watched Inkheart yesterday.
fun! loved it...
hadi wanted him to sit wif me,
i wanted to sit wif hakim,
he wanted to sit wif hakim,
hakim just go wif the flow...
in the end, we sat in this order...,
hakim, him, hadi, me..
i insisted on sitting at the side.
i was forced to eat popcorn..
i didnt like popcorn..
iso i turned back as though no1 was talking to me..
oh ya! one more thing,
before that we went to arcade,
still cant find it till now! heh....
well, first part of the story gone..
dont think you wanna know the ending...
so gonna find so lame game to play..
unwritten! atTuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
straight to the point..wat if, you were trapped in someone's arms?will you try to break free?
wat if you are trapped in your mind?how will you react?wat if you were dating wif a wrong guy?will you leave him?wat if you fail your favourite subject?is it the end of the world?wat if you turn to see you are all alone?how will you find all your loved ones?wat if someone just walks to you and scream?will you scream back? (i would! oobviously!!)wat if someone just walks to you and says "i love you"?will you answer him/her?wat if someone just walks to you and says "i hate you"?will you hate him/her back?wat if someone just walks to you and pulls you away from your friends?will you struggle to get back to your friends?
wat if someone just walks to you and starts saying mean stuff bout your friend?will you stop him/her?imagine a world wif no doubts, no worries, no regrets....now go to sleep and dream!dream as long as possible coz wen you wake up,the real world will not have wat you've just dreamt!!well, tats my reason for day-dreaming in class!you all tot wat i going to write?today not much lah...tats y i write crappy stuffs now..heh.....
unwritten! atMonday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
secondly, I DYING FOR A MATHS!! or was it e maths..??
thirdly, I WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!! way fun than home!!
so dammit sia!
i asked pf for the maths questions' ans..
she gave me but i'm still lost!!
must go school, find arshad, force him to teach me
then i'll go my day happily ever after!! haha!!
anyways, got nothing to do so i blogging..
i got a question for u all..
quote: if your ex were to msg you all of a sudden,
then start a conversation,
then asks you "u steady yet..."
wat will you say and think?
random question...
trust me, i got loads of random questions...
this one just popped out yesterday...
freaking bored..
if i had something to blog abt, it would be great.......
maybe i'll go msg someone(or everyone)...
blah blah blah...
unwritten! atSaturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
i found a cool pict! look!!
A for Amira!! haha
unwritten! atThursday, January 22, 2009
dear diary,

this week is much better
you know why?
coz i can only remember wat i did at home...
serious! i cant remember wat i did in school!!!
i STM lah!! haha...
but MDM A. like shit sia!!
you know, today she kept saying this,
"you all must study hard you know!
you competing against dunman high, CHIJ schools, *blah blah blah*
you see ah,
our school this low you know
then the sida girls get *blah blah blah* marks everage you know!
they push us down you know!
then dunman and *blah blah blah* also come back to take Olevels again,
then like tat they push us even lower you know!
*blah blah blah blah blah* so must *blah blah blah blah blah* "

watever crap lah!!!
then tell us story about her friend's daughter!
like we care!!!
wat shit sia!
i was like
"wah! talk non stop sia then later scold us!
wat shit she giving us?!
haiyo now talk about her friend somemore..
wat sia! like we care!
ok now talk bout something else...
]oh MASCOT!!
last minute work is wat we always do...
i and Fion in charge..
wah, Fion ah Fion ah!!
her imagination went wild wif ideas
but all dont make sense!
but i go wif the flow..
as long as tis stupid thing is done,
we just finnished it just now
i tink..
i helped out alot but had to leave...
or was i playing a fool.. I DUNNO LAH! U TELL ME!!
i tink i did both.. heh...
btw, LUCAS!!!
if only you were in my shoes..
today was kind of a bad day
but i realized something,
i'm so lucky to be in 3E3!
3E3 ROX!!!
all the students are united..
near my side of view at least..
my area the ppl very fun and siao u know!
we make fun of others,
then laugh,
then they make fun of us,
then we laugh..
but sometimes, MJ's jokes are just hurtful..
serious sia!
maybe he's the only one bringing us down...
u should see hm during POA!
seriously disrespectful just because teacher change his place.
wat lame excuse!!!
(thank goodness he dunno wat my thoughts are)
anyways, these are just my way of releasing myself..
so if i hurt any of you readers, sorry k?!
except MDM A.
i mean it wen i say stop comparing us...

then the rest all stupid crappy love history ah...
wont write it here..
coz diaries are not meant to be trusted..
*silence.... and more silence*.....
lame lah mira!
stop it! haha..
anyways, wen i remember my history of tis week,
i'll try to remember to write it here
now i wanna watch tv! then eat something then sleep..
(do hw wen i feel like it)
signing out:
unwritten! atThursday, January 22, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
dear diary,
every since last month(or was it last last), its like all my happiness left me...i feel like i'm in the darkwif no 1 that understands me..my jokes are LAME!!!my hobbies dissapeared...my life has change..my vews have changed..its like i'm giving attitude towards myselfwithout knowing how to stop...i get into fights so often,i irritate ppl so often,i'm making almost everyone miserablein my views...i dunno y but everything i doit seems wrong to me...my decisions,my emotions,my attitude,my studies,everything..i regret making tat decision...i miss - so much...wen i saw - on tv,i got myself excitedeventhough we're through...
i tink its abt time i told you...i'm done wif him...like i said..my life came crashing on december 2008..I WAS MISERABLE!!!!MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!let me repeat...MISERABLE!!!!made wrong decisions tat ended up ruining my life....wish there wasn't such a thing call nco campso suckish...cried on first day then got made fun of...i was saying in my heart"do it mira. just pack up, call michelle, and ask to leave"kept repeating in my heart...even wen i was "blinded"the person taking care of me didn't notice me...i got kidnapped like... 3-4 times!!so suckish lah...wish i pick my butt and went off....anyways,even wen i was having the most TERRIBLE DAY yesterday,some fucking idiots called my house phonedunno how many times to talk to me bout sj comp training!I HAD MY OWN PERSONAL PROBLEMS IN THE HOUSE!!!THAT PERSON MADE IT WORSE!!well typing it out makes me better..thanx for reading those who are STILL reading...so now u know wats been happening in my life...well tats all my dairy...hope to write again..(maybe wen i go jalan jalan then i update okays?!)signing off,
unwritten! atSunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
haiyo! first week of official school and i'm already freaking out!!!stress ahh..stupid idiot maths!y must it be hard?!but i still love it though! heh..freaking u know!then the teachers some boring!y must they let us fall asleepwen they want us to pass?!shish!!!!!!!POAerrrrrrrr.....tyhe teacher ah,i dont even know his name!!haha! dont bother asking...elect GEOGmr lim...he ok ah..atleast i dont fall asleep!!(tats a compliment!)A & E MATHSmy form teacher... ms kohshe fun u know!but she like to bully pplto make the class fun..but sometimes dont understand wat she talking ah!tats y i suck at maths!combine CHEMmr tenghe still makes me sleepybut cant sleep coz he'll know!combine PHYmir or mdm Azianshe ok ah..but sometimes boring...she makes physics a bore!ENGLISHmis emmie!i still dislike her!dunno y ah..just dont like her tat much...MALAYmiss dee..u know lah how i am wif her!SOCIAL STUDIESmiss choo..she ok lah..but dont make fun of her..u'll nvr know wat will happen..may be good may be bad
unwritten! atFriday, January 09, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
FIRST day of schoolFIRST time meet our teacherFIRST time being DISCIPLINE OFFICER for classFIRST time hearing the words discipline officerFISRT sj training of the yearFIRST time i felt sooo tire for tis yearFIRST time i'm SERIOUSLY upset for sec 2 sjSECOND time i regretSECOND time i wish to go back in timeSECOND time i wished i were deafSECOND time hating being at homeSECOND time being naggedSECOND time being nagged while being naggedSECOND time hating tio wear bootsthats for first and second of januarybut not respectively lah.today i only got one messageSEC 2 SJ!! PLEASSSSSSSEEEEEEEE SHOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU SHOUT NO GOLD WILL COME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!ONLY SALIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT PUNISH YOURSELVES AND US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unwritten! atFriday, January 02, 2009