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Saturday, June 28, 2008
but there wasnt any videos of our school
doing the actual thing..
so i surf internet and found our training videos...
not the real thing ah and its all blurred...
so here they are:

the real thing had last minute changes....
we all adapted to it quick...
the changes were made on the final day itself...
imagine how hard it was to adapt it!!
but we did it..
ok lah...
later then i go update..
now i wanna eat!
blog again soon!

unwritten! atSaturday, June 28, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
damn sia!
tired like shit today...
go practice again and again
then got scolding at the end
just because of the stupid wannabe "ah lians"!!!
only sec ones then wanna make trouble!

the first time mistakes were:
-they keep kicking the balls
-the stupid idiots nvr pick the left ball up and let it be at the place where the stage is coming down...
-got idiots talking while waiting for stage to come down..(include ah lians)
-got one STUPID IDIOT MORON go msg dunno who DURING FINALEH WHILE DANCING! isnt tat stupid?! she got kicked out of the finaleh btw...

the second time mistakes (tat i know of at least):
-i did a step wrongly (wasnt notice by instructor.. NASIB BAIK!)
-still got idiots talking
-lines still not straighten
-some ppl run TOOOOOOO SLOW till a few ppl fell at the back while running to the stage.. then the balls were all over the place and MORE ppl fell..
-got scolding by all teachers...
-got TERRIBLE scolding from instructor.. shit sey!

nvm.. i continue next time..
tired lah! wanna sleep!

unwritten! atWednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
omgosh today is a bad day!!
the teachers are just "fishers"!!
talk so slow!! no slower ah?!
idiotic morons/fools...
especially DM and principle...
going assembly start, DM go say (SLOWLY),
"before we start, i want you all to check your attire. see if ur buttons are buttoned, name tags are pinned on, you are neatly dressed, tat ur lines are straight...BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!"
idiotic fool!!!
btw, I DID NOT FAINT!!!!!
i tell u wat happened ah..

at first, i woke up at 5 o'clock exact,
went out at 5.50am
reach school then change to full U (sjab)
then had to stand there for a LONG LONG TIME!
we started standing at around 7.00 o'clock...
then from there we stood till around 8.15+ o'clock...

i gave up three quarter way..
first to drop out was me..
u imagine ah...

i was standng there,
taking the sjab pledge,
then suddenly started to black out...
then i start wiggling my toes...
and my hand atarted to shake but i didnt know...
i could see anything.. i was in total darkness...
i couldn't even feel my body
other then the fact tat i felt my body swinging...
i couldn't stop...
after a few seconds, i couldn't take it anymore...
all was numb and i was covered with darkness....
i was forced to give up even if tat makes me the first....
i straight away squart(i dunno the spelling rite or not)
it was as if i was falling...

they sent me to the canteen to sit down...
i STILL couldn't see anything...
i heard my sir and teacher saying i looked very pale....
the teacher forced me to drink water sey..
they ask if i ate breakfast..
i said no but i didnt tell them i cant
coz if i do, i'll get diareah...

then went for syf..
the first time on stage, i felt the same thing, total darkness
but i began to move my body to circulate my blood
back to my brain.. good thing i still ok! :D

ok lah..
getting late... byes!!


now then puas hati! ;P

unwritten! atTuesday, June 24, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008
its like two days away from school reopens....
ok.. my eng suck....
like "fish" ah!!!!!
i still got more than 5 hw left!!
its like.. 9.30pm and i'm doing hw while blogging!
GREAT rite?!
ok ok... didnt update so i update now uh...

9 june:
went for syf.. tired but worth it!!!
they changed my place to FIRST person at the front!!!
shoot sey! mess up only, die die die!!!
10 - 12 june:
slacking and rushing to finnish hws ahh...
can you imagine...
getting some "R & R' while rushing to do your homeworks?!
"R&R" = rest and relaxation

13 june:
went for syf again...
found out some moves have been changed...
had to memo again the new steps!!!
still... worth it..

14 & 15 june:
went out to visit my grandmother....
she had to go for operation...
so sad sey looking at her in the hosp....
she has to stay min. for 1 week...
(but now come home already lah)

16, 18 & 20 june:
had syf again and again and again.......
go home earliest 5pm you know!!!
start at 2.30pm... wahh....
tired sey!!!!
plus we were practicing
dammit!!!! do you know how hot it was?????!!!!!

20 june:
poor thing sey he!
he didnt celebrate..
he only went out with Hadi(my couz + bestiie)...

17 & 19 june:
rushing to finnish as much hws as possible....
unfortunately failed to finnish all....

ok.. so ya.. tat about sums it all up...
omgosh i miss him like shit!!!!
i miss all my friends.... most at least...
thinking to start wearing "normal" length socks..
but i'm totally afraid tat ZH will disturb me again n again!
feel like slapping his face!
its just a birthmark lah!!!!!
*not like he has one.. maybe he's not human tats why he doesnt have one...* -_- * mumbling*

heh... anyways... i keep thinking and asking myself..
"when am i gonna come out of my shell??"
i nvr did seem to find the answer though...
so yeah... now i'm thinking bout how pathetic i am....
everyones' came out pf their shells... so when am i??

unwritten! atSaturday, June 21, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
the two pieces of shit in my life is ruining my life! not only mine lah actually... haiz......

anyways, yesterday went to the movies with.... wei jia, ying jie, izzati, luke, bronson and one more invible eoming guy... the line was freaking long lah.... we waited for our queen's arival for 20/+ minutes. while waiting, ying jie was soo annoyed by me and luke! haha.. we were continuously making fun of her and wei jia! haha!! wei jia and ying jie were like totally wanting to slap luke! he went from annoying to stupid idiot freak! haha...

we watched narnia, prince casbian.. THE PRINCE WAS HOT!!! haha... so was lord/high king Peter!!! the last part was soooooo kiut!!! and sad!!! SOMEONE cried sey!! haha!!! soooo fun lah!! next time, i go invite sec 1s ah! heh

unwritten! atWednesday, June 11, 2008

i thought it was you
but now it is me
i dont know wat to do
i hoped we were we

we are we
but why doesnt it feel like it?
we are you and me
wish we could meet..

we are together
but not for long...
it seems that you've floated away
leaving me to be....

unwritten! atWednesday, June 11, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Put The Big Red Button on your site

try it! its "fun"!!! haha

unwritten! atMonday, June 09, 2008


the instructors took him away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i partner with another gerl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now i'm damn HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my maid and everyone else nvr cook any snacks!!!!!!!! shish!!!!!!!!!

first i cant meet my "candy",
then my "chocolate" is taken away,
now, i'm starving like shit!!!!

where's my "candy floss"? she's not here...
must wait till school reopen then can meet
my "candy floss" again!!!


unwritten! atMonday, June 09, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
ahh!! today training all bout lecture!
bored lah!!! so i and pearlyn took a small piece of paper each,
and started to draw...
then the paper got confiscated by shiling...
i tot they wanna scold us, but they cant!
cause pearlyn caught them playing TIC-TAC-TOE!!!!!
wat sey?! we mind our own business draw
but they down there playing
while yeeling lecturing us!!
today no mood to be timer or reply loudly cause
my darling wei jia not there cause of the stupid

take my darling away only!
missing her larh!!!!!
missing murni also!!!
and charmaine!!!

and luke!!(alittle)
i tell you ah! the number of sj ppl who actually came
was like totally pathetic lah!
just because NCO say gonna go home at 3pm
doesnt mean they dont wanna come then dont rite??!!

idiots in traing did not come...
good girls (and boys) came.... :X

missing my sec 4 NCOs also!!!!!!!

unwritten! atTuesday, June 03, 2008

I Am The Only Me
Nurul Amira here!
Call me aMira! haha
was in tkps,
currently in bgss,
NOW 3E3!
my fav date,
am a virgo! (the one that waits.. lols)

i wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away...
I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away...
I wrote your name in my heart,
and that is where it's going to stay forever!

who am i?
what kind of person am i?
who am i to you?
am i the one for you?

you are the only one for me
dont tell me its a dream
promise me you'll still be here
i know you will survive,
so just hold on,
and i'll still be there for you..
cos i am just a heartbeat away❤

whispers in the wind...